UI Challenge

Amazon App Redesign

UI Challenge

Amazon App Redesign

UI Challenge

Amazon App Redesign

Timeline: 3 days

Target Device: iOS Native App

Deliverables: High-Fidelity Prototype

Methods: Heuristics Analysis, Visual Competitive Analysis, Moodboard, Prototyping

The Problem

Amazon has truly changed the game of shopping with its groundbreaking business model and commitment to delivering exceptional customer experiences. As one of the world's most valuable companies, they continuously strive to enhance their offerings. As part of this mission, I embarked on a project aimed at enhancing the user interface of Amazon's app.


Upon conducting a thorough Heuristic Analysis, I observed that the app's interface appears cluttered and outdated, making it challenging for users to navigate and find what they need quickly. With an extensive range of products and categories available, it's no surprise that the app feels a bit crowded and messy.

To gain valuable insights into Amazon's position in the German market, I conducted a Visual Competitive Analysis by comparing the visual design and user interface elements of its major competitors: Zalando, OTTO, and AliExpress. This exercise allowed me to identify unique design elements and strategies employed by these companies to appeal to their target audiences and gain a competitive edge in the e-commerce space. By comparing and contrasting these findings with Amazon's own approach, we can gain a deeper understanding of how Amazon can enhance its design and user experience to stay ahead of the curve.

Style Tile

Creating a clear and cohesive visual language is key when it comes to designing an app. Working on this project, I wanted to ensure that Amazon's iconic black and orange colors remain intact, while still making the interface pop. By incorporating a darker background, I was able to draw attention to the products themselves, making them stand out in a way that's both sleek and sophisticated. To complement the new look, I also handpicked typography samples, button designs, and icons for the navigation bar. Together, these elements work seamlessly to create an app that's not only visually striking, but also user-friendly and intuitive.

The Result

In the three-day timespan, I redesigned six screens in total. On the welcome screen, I decided to create two buttons: Log In and Sign Up. This way it’s much clearer for users to know where to click, compared to the existing app where there can be some confusion about distinguishing these two options. I made it easy for users to create an account by filling out all the necessary information in the text fields.

Moving on to the main screen, I made sure to highlight current top deals and promotions in the sections that were most likely to catch the user's attention. Users can also access the category overview screen, where different categories are listed, by tapping on the "hamburger" button in the navigation bar. I also included a Cart icon in the navigation bar, so users can easily keep track of their purchases.

Below you can see the prototype video of the redesigned Amazon app.

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